Think Outside the Pot

If you are one of those gardeners who think backyard gardens are only good for growing tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and maybe squash well, it's time to think outside the pot. For many years I restricted my backyard pot garden to the usual suspects listed above.

As you can see from the above photo things have changed dramatically. I took this photo on the first day of summer. Thinking outside the pot can be metaphorically or in the case of my cantaloupe and watermelon literally. Try something new for a change. You don't have to go hog wild just choose one new veggie like eggplant or radish.

Last summer I grew these cantaloupes in a pot. How about lettuce in a window box below?

These are the onions I harvested last year. I recently watched a video where a home gardener grew watermelon in pots. Step out of your comfort zone and try something different.
