70+ Frugal DIY Garden Resources

Are you interested in growing your own food, but struggle to find any extra room in your budget for gardening supplies? These Frugal DIY GARDEN tips will help you to grow your own food without breaking the bank on gardening supplies. Bring on the harvest!! There is nothing better than your own homegrown fresh produce! http://www.groundedandsurrounded.com/frugal-diy-garden-articles/
Are you interested in growing your own food, but struggle to find any extra room in your budget for gardening supplies?  I have 10 frugal tips and tricks I have used to save money in my own garden, and you won’t believe how simple some of them are!
I have also included a list of 70+ of my favorite gardening resources.  My hope is to be your one stop shop for frugal diy garden tips.

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