This is Wilbur. He is a ground hog.
I took this photo while standing in my garden less than 100 feet away.
I will probably leave these melons in the bag for at least 4 days.
Step 2 was to put up some type of barrier around my raised garden. I understand that groundhogs can burrow under fencing but, why bother if you can get a free meal up the road. I asked the Walmart rep what I should use to deter old Wilbur she directed me to a shelf with several products specifically made to get rid of groundhogs. So let's be clear, in this case get rid of meaning kill. Whoa, I want him gone not stretched out on my front lawn taking a dirt nap.
My final course of action (at least for now) is to add another barrier to the chicken wire, one that would make him feel unwelcomed.
I have been sprinkling a combination of coarse black pepper, moth balls and red pepper flakes around the outside of the fence. I also read the pouring ammonia in aluminum trays works. That would be my next step if he doesn't get the message. I have also read that used kitty litter scares the crap out of them.
One final note. Groundhogs are not nocturnal. They are active in the early morning and early evening hours. Groundhogs can eat one-third of their weight daily. They hibernate in the winter. I have at least a dozen watermelon and cantaloupe in my garden. If you have any tips on how to get Wilbur to relocate I would be happy to hear them.
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