This has been a hot but awesome summer. I'm not talking about my social life, I'm referring to my interactions with fellow gardeners in my community. My neighbor who lives across the street brought over a plate of yellow watermelon.
I have seen yellow melons many times on cooking shows but have never tasted it. It was awesome. I grew watermelon and cantaloupe this summer but he has inspired me to grow the yellow variety next summer.
Betty lives up the street. She gave me a tour of her beautiful garden. Throughout the season she has given us vegetables from her garden when she had more than she could use. I wish I had her energy. We often share our knowledge of gardening and how to keep Wilbur (the local ground hog) our of our plants.
Not only is she growing flowers and veggies Betty just built her own compost bin complete with lid.
If you subscribed to The Frugal Gardener channel on You Tube you know that my focus is on growing fruits and vegetables. I have a saying, if I can't eat it I won't grow it. After being invited to Nancy's yard one summer evening I may have to retire that slogan. Nancy's garden is more like a tropical paradise.
A few weeks ago she showed me a very unusual plant called Christ in the manger. The flowers on this plant only bloom at night. What is even more fascinating is that it only blooms once, not once a year but once in its lifetime. This first photo was taken at dusk.
After several trips to the garden, a few neighbors and I finally got to watch this magical plant open.
This big, fragrant flower was worth the wait.
Gardening is fun and rewarding but interacting with fellow gardeners is more than just fun, it has also been a learning experiene. I' am really looking forward to next summer.
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