The Frugal Gardener's Chopped Inspired Garden

For years I have been entertained, educated but also frustrated by the Food Network show Chopped. What grabbed by was the use of non triditional ingredients. Ted Allen host of the show had me at Dragon Fruit. I never heard of it until a few years ago when I saw it on the show.

                              I chose this dragon fruit tree because my tree does not have any fruit yet.

Now I have my very own Dragon Fruit tree. So lets move on to why I am frustrated. I live down south. In a perfect world I could walk into a suppermarket, strool over to produce and pick up yellow watermelon, or griffiti eggplant maybe even a few candy beets.  In the real world that's not going to happen. I did manage to find some very pricy dragon fruit in my local asian market but asking for watermelon radishes or habanaro peppers may not have gotten me thrown out of the market but it most certinally caused a few stares.

                                   The actual seed packs that I used to plant my Chopped garden

In addition to cooking I also have an extensive home garden so okay Food Network I have decided to grow my own chopped vegetables. All summer long I will post updated here and on my You Tube channel for my special series The Frugal Gardener does Chopped.

The series begins in a few days so please suscribe to The Frugal Garderner's You Tube Channel for updates.

Check out the Frugal Gardener on social media.
Twitter: @frugalgardeners
Instagram: @frugalgardener
