The first big test of the season for my mini greenhouse this winter
Last night before I went to bed the temperature was eleven degrees. The low was FOUR degrees. It was nine when I got up today.
Will the lettuce and spinach outside my front door bounce back? Time will tell.
My is topic for today is how well my garden held up during the frigid night air.
With the help of a heat lamp, the temps inside the mini greenhouse hovered around 30 which is acceptable for the leafy greens I am growing.
As I write this post the sun has come out and the temperature inside the greenhouse is a balmy eighty-two degrees while the outside temperature is only 16 degrees.
This shot is from last evening before the temperature drop. In a twenty-four hour period, we experienced wind gust, heavy rain than snow. Tonight's low is predicted to drop to ten degrees. I will be using the heat lamp again. I hope to post an update later this week. In the meantime please watch my latest video update on YouTube
The two photos above were taken after the second bone-chilling night. With a low temperature of ten degrees on the second night, the leaves look a tad wilted but I am happy to tell you that the following day everything bounced back to normal.
Okay, here is my final update for After the Deep Freeze. The temperature drop began on Sunday. This photo was taken just 3 days later on Wednesday. Keep a look out for the video documentation.

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