Grow Something New and Different this Summer

Occasionally someone will say to me I use to garden but I don't anymore. When I ask why they usually can't give me a definitive answer. That leaves room for speculation. If I were to guess in most cases simply put the thrill is gone. Home gardeners get into a rut because year after year they grow the same vegetables. Every spring they like most of us they plant the greatest hits. Tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, and peppers. I prefer to shake things up. Every spring I plant at least 1 new vegetable. This year I even surprised myself by adding a tree to the list of new plants.
I am growing Scarlet Emperor runner beans for the first time. Also yellow tomatoes, Spaghetti Squash (given to me by a fellow gardener), Yellow Watermelon, corn, and
Chamomile tea.
I have 5 large window boxes of the tea. I am growing both Roman and German variety. Both will grow back each spring so I don't need to replant them.
I am really excited about growing purple broccoli. Speaking of the color purple for the first time I will be growing purple cabbage. If the heat does not do them in they should come out great.
Scarlet Emperor runner beans on the left and Yellow Watermelon in the bin on the right Both are just getting started.
I am a big believer in saving money while you garden. Most of my seed packs are only a quarter but those deals are usually in January and in the fall. Another drawback to purchasing inexpensive seeds is variety. The plants listed in the post may be hard to find so I have included a link to Burpee where you can pick up a few packs if you are interested.
I almost forgot to mention corn. When it comes to gardening it's not rare, sexy or exotic but it is something you usually only find on farms. I only planted 4 seeds which will only yield 8 ears of corn but this is somewhat of an experiment. If I get a decent harvest next year I will plant more.
Oh, the tree that I picked up a few weeks ago was an olive tree. I live in zone 6a so keeping it alive will be a changeling but for $12.99 I decided to take the risk.
Subscribe to my Youtube channel to keep up with my Back to Basic summer series, the return of my Chopped Inspired Garden series and my updates on the 2019 Tomato Growing Contest.
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