Top Vegetables to Grow in the Heat

Top Veggies to Grow in the Heat

Repost from HGTV

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes grow well in summer and produce abundantly in as little as 90 days. 
Wait to plant them until the weather is good and hot for best results. 
As a bonus, sweet potatoes need little cultivation once the vines begin to spread across the ground.

Southern Peas

Southern Peas, also known as cowpeas are wonderfully versatile. They may be eaten like snap
beans while the pods are young before the peas mature. As green shelled peas, they make a delicious side dish 
or salad topping. When the peas are mature and dried, they store easily for months and cook up more 
quickly than dry beans.

Yard Long Beans

Yard long beans are long podded cowpeas, grown for fresh use of their lengthy green (or purple) pods Also known as asparagus beans, they have a sweet nutty flavor similar to the spring spears. Grown on teepees, they are highly productive on their own and provide shade to cool more sensitive crops.

Hot Peppers

Hot Peppers grow and produce well from spring into fall. While some of the larger types
slow down production when warm summer nights arrive, many of the smaller, hotter types 
produce well straight through.

Green Beans

Beans are easy to grow and productive. Choose bush varieties for a quick crop or pole
beans for a long season of steady production.


Okra is one of the most self-sufficient summer vegetables because of its love of heat and
adaptability to dry conditions. Harvest the pods every other day to keep both quality and
production at a high level.

Zucchini Squash

Squash, both summer and winter types, are best grown in the heat. Where squash bugs or
squash vine borers are a problem, start seeds indoors and transplant into the garden in late June
or early July. Protect with row covers until the plants begin to bloom. Covering the stems with soil
as they mature will help protect against squash vine borer damage.


Sunflowers are the perfect plant for the gardener who wants to seed something and walk away.
The plants will grow and flower, producing edible seed for the family or the local wildlife, without 
the gardener lifting a finger (though a little supplemental water will promote rapid germination).


Eggplant is the best hot-weather producer of the solanaceous (tomato/potato family) crops.
Choose from the globe-shaped Mediterranean types or the elongated Asian ones. Protect them from
flea beetles by monitoring for pinholes in the leaves accompanied by tiny black beetles,
and treating with pyrethrin insecticide when more than a few are present.


Amaranth is a versatile salad or cooked green for summer gardens. The flowers are beautiful
but don’t let them go to seed or you will have baby plants everywhere!

Malabar Spinach

Malabar Spinach is a vining plant whose foliage is a good summertime leafy green for
salads and cooking. This crop is best grown where consistent 90-degree weather is
experienced in summer.


Cucumbers are a classic summer vegetable. With consistent soil moisture and good
fertility, just a few plants will produce enough for plenty of salads and homemade pickles.
Growing cucumbers on a trellis provide good air circulation, to keep leaf spots at bay, 
and makes harvesting a snap.


Corn is one of the most popular summer veggies for good reason. It tastes great and is fairly
low maintenance. Watch out for worms and keep corn well watered as the ears develop and
a sweet, delicious reward awaits.


Melons, including watermelons, cantaloupe, honeydew and many more, are some of the
best summertime desserts. Allow melons plenty of room to run in the garden, or choose bush types
that stay a bit smaller. Some melons are even suitable for containers or trellising.

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