Certain areas in the United States including major cities like Philadelphia are expected to reach 100 degrees or higher this weekend. It would be nice if we could move our gardens indoors until things cool down but we live in the real world and that's not going to happen so here are a few tips on gardening in the heat.
1. Water in the mornings before it gets too hot. If you are unable to then your second option is to water in the evening. Some gardeners prefer to do both.
2. Wear protective sun gear like a straw hat.
3. Stay hydrated

4. Keep track of the time. How many times have you come back in from your garden and wondered where the time went? Gardening in excessive heat can cause heat stroke or worse.
5. Take frequent breaks
6. Use shade cloths or make one using bedsheets or something similar.
I moved my tomato plants into my raised garden and used the structure to cover them.
7. Enlist the help of neighbors, friends or kids to help water your garden. You will get done twice as fast.
8. Don't forget to mulch. Using mulch will help retain water longer.
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