U.S. Suspends Visa Processing in Mexico, Threatening Businesses Reliant on Seasonal Workers
Disruption comes as farmers typically would be looking for foreign workers ahead of planting seasons
Now that we can foresee the problem and the cause its time for the solution which should be obvious since you are at a site called The Frugal Gardener. Planting just a few of your favorite vegetables will not only save money it will help you avoid disappointment or even sticker shock this summer.
First and foremost you need to start your seeds indoors to shorten the growing season. I have heard stories of seed shortages in other countries so buy your seeds now just in case..
I wish I had a dollar for everytime someone told me they had to go to the store to buy pots before they could garden. New pots are nice but not always necessary. Probably 25% of my containers are recycled from around the house. The starter pot above is a cut up milk carton, the orange container is an old tote.
This is an old gatorade bucket with a hole in the bottom. I painted the outside white. Perfect for drainage. My third tip my sound silly but plant what you like to eat.
Some gardeners plant what's easy or what looks pretty but this is about saving money. Also do not over plant one vegetable make sure you plant a variety if you have room.
In a few days I will post a list of the fastest vegetables to grow.
Click here to buy seeds
This summer we will feature two new series. The first series will be how to save money watering your garden during the long hot summer. The second is a surprise. Please subscribe so that you will be notified of our updates.
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