So you don't have a big yard or maybe you don't have a yard at all there are still ways for you to grow summer vegetables and you don't need to spend a lot of money. For many years the only way I could grown anything was in pots. The problem is that pots can be expensive so I had to get creative.
Here is an old tote that I now use to grow yellow watermelon in.
Now that I have space to plant a traditional garden about 50% of my garden still consist of containers. Why? because I don't have to pay for them. Look around, there are so many things you can use to plant with.
On the left is an old milk carton I used as a starter pot to grow cucumbers. On the right is a bucket I used to carry water until one winter I left water in it when the water froze the bucket split so now I grow watermelons in it.
1. A Container garden can fit in small spaces like decks, balconies or terraces.
2. Container gardens are portable. You can bring them indoors during winter.
3. With a little creativity container gardens can be free once you buy the seeds
4. Container gardens will provide you with fresh veggies while also lowering your food budget.
5. Container gardens are decorative on patios, decks or balconies.
Orange is my favorite colors. It also reminds me of sweet potatoes so that's what I use this bin for each spring.
One of my favorite recycled containers are old dishpans. They normally have a hole in they so the drainage problem is already taken care of. They usually have handles which make them even more portable. On the left is spinach onions are on the right.
The next thing you will need to consider will be nutrients. I have several links on how to provide nutrients to your soil for free. Crushed eggshells, ashes, coffee grounds and the best one of all homemade compost. See the links below.
Yes, I use old bins for my composting also.
Everyone knows that you can't grow anything without water but you don't need to pay for that either. This is my reserve barrel which originally contained pickles. When you add all of my containers I have the capability to store 110 gallons of water.
The last thing you will need is seeds.
Lets begin with the freebees. sweet potatoes, white potatoes, ginger, onions and garlic that begin to sprout in your vegetable is a great source of free food without buying seeds. If you follow the guidelines laid out in this blog your only expense will be seeds. What type of seed you buy where you buy them and what time of year you make your purchase will determine how much you will spend.
I usually purchase my seeds in January when prices are low. I freeze those seeds until spring just before planting. Above is a link to where you can buy your seeds. In the next post I will offer suggestions on what crops grow the fastest.
Thank you for stopping by.
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