Let the Rain do the Work


It's hurricane season, which means rain, lots of it. It's also September which means trying to hold on to the vegetables still growing in your garden. You probably are planning on giving them a boast of some kind but first things first. Don't let all that water go to waste. 

I have a catchment system but I also use what ever is handy. I use this to mix soil but it also does double duty to catch additional water. I also have this old pickle barrel.     

Nutrients need to seep  down into the soil so that they can reach the plant's roots. The most efficient way of doing so is to add the nutrient followed by water. Over the next 3 days we are expecting to get five inches of rain. 

Banana trees love coffee grinds so I am placing mine minus the filters around the top of the soil and let gravity take over. 

For my carrots I will give them a serving of calicum by using ground eggshells

I grow my sweet potatoes in bins so that I can protect them from the cold fall nights. Adding some of my homemade compost below will benefit them. 

This is the only nutrient I will add soil on top of mainly because I have a layer of straw on the surface to help keep it most. 

My last stop will be the tomatoes which are heavy feeders. You can buy  potassium fertilizer or

you can make your own out of banana peels. The process of spreading these homemade nutrients around my plants takes about two minutes per plant. The best part is that the nutrients are free and I don't even have to water them. 

                                                     How I Make Banana Powder

By using a few containers I even come out of the rain with extra water so it's a win, win. 
