Planning Your Fall Garden Think Small

 Your Fall and Winter Garden - Think Small

Do you remember when you got your first bike? You wanted to hop on and peddle down the street to impress your mom and siblings. Okay, in the real world that never happens. It took practice a little help and yes, training wheels. Now fast forward to current times. Remember when the pandemic hit and everyone started freaking out. You couldn't find seeds and people thought they could become instant gardeners by watching a couple of YouTube videos. 

I keep hearing people in the medical profession saying when the next pandemic hits. Rather than waiting for the next disaster let's get those training wheels out and do some basic gardening this fall and winter. 

This is a dishpan that sells for $2.00 at Target. You would be surprised at what I have been able to grow in this small space. 

Here are a few photos of what I have grown over the past few years.

Onions, lettuce for salads

Why dishpans and why in the fall?

1. Inexpensive

2. Protable - they can be easily covered or brought inside during the cold months.

3. Reuseable

4. You can use these containers year-round. 

5. The best reason of all - You can grow all of these right now

Garlic also Elephant Garlic

For $10.00 you will have 5 containers.

Potatoes, yes white potatoes. I did an experiment last summer where I grew 7 potatoes in this dishpan. 



This is how my dishpan garden looks today. 

I started my fall container garden this morning. These are carrots. I had a banner year last winter. I will post the link to the harvest below. Okay, let's go out and get a few dishpans so we can grow some food together this winter.  I will be your trainer wheels. 

You could also order them from Amazon so you won't have to leave home

The Frugal Gardener's Winter Carrot Harvest!
