Growing Indoors
When people get bored they usually do things like take a walk, visit friends, watch a movie or play solitaire. I look for new things to plant. This time of year seed prices are lower and since supply outweighs the demand there are a large variety of seeds to choose from. It's the first week of November and I am already thinking about what I want to plant next spring.
I intend to plant peanuts next spring so guess what came in the mail this morning. Yes, I know I said it was November but since I have never grown peanuts before I wanted to do a trial run. This is an experiment of sorts because I also wanted to know if I could grow them indoors. Peanuts take about 4 months to grow, that's the entire summer so I can't afford to screw it up.
I will give you guys progress reports. Time to plant.
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