My mission is to get 5% of American's to grow one container of food. Your first thought will probably be what good will that do? The answer is not much. Someone said every journey begins with the first step. Did you know they by using the cut and come again method you can get two maybe three harvests from one container of lettuce?
Here is a recent headline
Walmart, Kroger, and Other Grocery Stores Are Meeting With the White House to Address Shortages
The dishpan in this photo cost $2.00 at Target. People that that gardening is hard and expensive. It doesn't have to be.
If you know where to look you can find seeds for as little as $0.25 a pack. I took this photo at Dollar General. Every January their seeds go on sale. Four pack for a dollar and sometimes 5 for a dollar. It is my belief that once you see how easy it is to plant one container you will duplicate the process then expand into other vegetables.
About six months ago I planted one potato in a dishpan. Many people were surprised at the results.
The potato was store brought so it didn't cost me any extra money.
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